
Jennifer and Naomi have spoken to audiences worldwide through presentations, keynotes, and customized workshops at companies, including…

To inquire about speaking engagements, please email hello@humorseriously.com or fill out the form below.

Speaking Topics

Humor, Seriously: Why Humor is a Secret Weapon in Business (and Life).

Learn the behavioral science of humor, and why it is an underleveraged superpower to fuel creativity, foster resilience, and strengthen bonds at work. Delve into the four Humor Styles and explore your unique sense of humor. Practice applying techniques from the worlds of comedy and behavioral science to unlock humor at work and find more moments of joy in life.

Creating Winning Teams: Fueled by Levity.

People want to be valued members of a winning team on an inspired mission. Creating a culture of levity is the secret weapon to accomplish this goal. Learn how to build an enduring culture of joy, productivity, and well-being leveraging the power of levity and story to drive innovation. Explore how leaders can set the tone from the top and enable a culture of safety where levity can come from anywhere in the organization. Also, have more fun.

A New Type of Leader.

It used to be that leaders needed to be revered; now they need to be understood. Explore why traditional models of leadership have shifted and how we can embody a new type of leadership: one defined by humanity and humor. Delve into the leadership principles and tactics to adapt to strains of hybrid work, bridge the trust gap, and unlock agility in the face of rapid change. Explore the science of story, and cultivate a bank of signature stories that enable you to lead with purpose and authenticity.

Harnessing Humanity, Humor, and Health to Lead.

Society’s endurance of the COVID-19 pandemic brought an array of new hobbies, good habits, and provoking life lessons. As we look beyond the pandemic — or any period in which we’ve endured and succeeded beyond hardship, it is critical that humanity develops a sustainable toolkit by which we can continue those positive habits into the future. Learn how to build a sustainable and enduring culture of joy, productivity, and well-being — where each individual brings a broader and more authentic range of their humanity to work.

Let’s work together

Interested in getting Jennifer and Naomi to speak at your keynote or run a workshop? Fill out the form below we’ll be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you.